Assalamualaikum :) Hi guys, nampak tak gambar dekat atas tuh?! Hehe, they is my friends, buddys, boyfriends, girlfriends, heartbeat and mores :* Hihi, terima kasih korang sebab korang pernah muncul dalam kehidupan aku. Gembira, sedih, kecewa, menangis kita pernah alami ken? ^^ Yeahh !! Nak korang tahu yang aku sayang sangat dengan korang. TOLONG LAH FAHAM. Hehe, saje jehh capslock :p Haha, maafkan aku kalau aku pernah buat korang sakit hati, kecewa, menyedihkan, marah. Hihi, tadeh niat pun :( Sob sob :'o Haha, sorry tauu ^^ Now, I'm happy with you guys. Yess, happy to much ! I love you guys, please understand me. I don't want to lose you, dude !! Like I lose him, Syazwan. Now, he hates me more !!!!! Shit !! I HATE YOU TO :'( Thanks make me hate you. Just forget about that, back to them. Now, I have my favorite friends, buddy, classmates. Thanks make my days :) Guys, you're important in my life. Please, don't hurt me if I don't hurt you. Don't broken my heart, if I don't. I hope, you can give last chance if I did . I'm sorry !!!!! :') Iloveyou.